From the Annals of Science Fiction

I offer this as a polite suggestion, before the Time of Nick or anything go to press, just in case persons whose name has been taken in vain by certain creatures (Gordon–shall we call him Flash? and the strange creature whose proclivities do not incline him toward understatement flourishing in the curious, toxic atmosphere in the regions of Chicago), just in case, I say, said persons–not the parenthetical chaps–wish to have something in the way of a full and unmitigated response to the recent higher criticism that has rushed like devastating wildfire through vain and pilfering attempts to . . . to what? well, rescue John Piper from himself, for one, and foist poetry on a world that neither needs or wants it and has been doing rather well with the solid old hymns of poor, blind Fanny Crosby, and which—the higher criticism, now—has no doubt baffled them and thereby caused no end of consternation.

(I am actually not Bro Revival Fire, but wouldn’t it be great if that person put this up as a final plea to Doran and Bauder to walk in the right ways of their Lounar forebears? It is just so versatile and apt for many things . . . but then, that’s the way of art, you know?)

8 thoughts on “From the Annals of Science Fiction

  1. I never realized how much you look like Billy Joel. It was the close-up of his face that did it. But then, I remember you before the days of your regal beard.

  2. This is a cloud and a darkness upon which I beat but cannot prevail. What in the world is all this about?

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